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Rafting with pros in São Luís do Paraitinga, Serra do Mar, SPRafting with pros in São Luís do Paraitinga, Serra do Mar, SPRafting with pros in São Luís do Paraitinga, Serra do Mar, SPRafting with pros in São Luís do Paraitinga, Serra do Mar, SP

Rafting with pros in São Luís do Paraitinga, Serra do Mar, SP

Rafting for R$110 per son/day in São Luís do Paraitinga, São Paulo. Please inquire about our updated price list! And programs for individuals, groups and companies.  Derived from English the name means "trunks tied to float on the river-ferry". Rafting has been spread worldwide for being a sporting activity full of adventures that integrates man and nature in the highest degree of spirit of adventure, of team, challenging personal and collective limits... it is a perfect agent to awaken in the individual the pleasure and satisfaction of enjoying the natural beauties that the rivers shelter in the most hidden places on their banks. Therefore, rafting is not just an adventure, but an excellent instrument for the improvement of concepts and for human development in the aspects of leadership, team work, challenge and environmental awareness.   

À partir de

  • Par Personne
  • $21/personne
    1 jour1 personne min



Capitaine Non Fourni
Le client fournit ou agit en tant qu'opérateur qualifié.
5 invités
Tours, Leçons et Plongée

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Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Pagaies/Rame

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.