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Dolphin & Whale watching Tour in Gran CanariaDolphin & Whale watching Tour in Gran CanariaDolphin & Whale watching Tour in Gran CanariaDolphin & Whale watching Tour in Gran Canaria

Dolphin & Whale watching Tour in Gran Canaria

Dolphin & Whale watching Tour for €35 per person/2.5 hours boattrip. Departure every day (except Wednesday and Saturday) at 10:00 and 13:00 directly from the Puerto Rico Gran Canaria sports harbour. Itinerary: If you love whales, dolphins, the sea and the beaches hop on board for a breathtaking experience on the open ocean. We head from Puerto Rico out to the open sea to search for dolphins and whales. Then we go to one of the beaches like Maspalomas or Gui Gui where we have a bath. After this refreshing break, we go along the coast back to Puerto Rico. What you get: * 2.5 hour boat trip in Gran Canaria * Speed up to 38 knots * Toilet on board * Opportunity to observe whales and dolphins * Enjoy a swim in the sea * An exclusive look at local environmental initiatives * Live professional narrative about the marine life of our skilled captains.   This excursion is with transfer from the hotels in the south of Gran Canaria.    If you have any questions, we can answer those through GetMyBoat’s messaging platform before you pay. Just hit, “Request to Book” and send us an inquiry for a custom offer.

À partir de

  • Par Personne
  • $38/personne
    1 heure1 personne min



Capitaine Arrangé Séparément
Capitaine professionnel requis, arrangé et payé séparément.
32 invités
Tours, Leçons et Plongée
Tour des dauphins

Vérifier la Disponibilité




Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • GPS
  • Moteur Double
  • Annexe

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 3 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

You can rent the whole Taxiboat or per person for each excursion.

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