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Fishing Excursions in VillasimiusFishing Excursions in Villasimius

Fishing Excursions in Villasimius

Our boat accommodates up to 12 people, excluding crew members, who love the sea, nature and fun. It starts from the port of Villasimius in the morning at 09:30 am and will reach the fishing grounds where the night before the nets were dropped. It is their nets, with tourists who may attend activities and have notions of marine life, and is switching the fish to be cooked. After hauling, go towards the coves where you can swim with tropical fish, in the beautiful clear waters of the Marine Protected Area of Villasimius, and in the meantime you will be offered a snack on board. At lunchtime you can delight your palate with the fish that you caught yourself, with much satisfaction and throat. Enjoy on board at the fish cooked with old recipes, from very good cook Pinella. The menu changes from time to time according to the fresh catch of each day, it can happen that in the crustaceans also end up networks, or that the sea presents a lackluster fishing, in this case we ensure guaranteed three-course, always fresh fish caught by fishermen. After lunch, you go along the coast and you can reach other coves where you can swim, swimming along with the increasingly numerous fish, and have coffee with sweets Sardinians, myrtle and filuferro. Along the way in a panoramic navigation they make a couple of stops near the coast, admiring the splendor and make the bathrooms from the boat. The return to port is scheduled for 16:30. Day Trip Price: Adult :  Starts at  64 euro   Children : Starts at 32 euro (prices vary according to the season, and include: hiking, snack, lunch with the catch of fish, drinks, coffee, liqueurs, sweets Sardinians) If you have any questions, we can answer those through GetMyBoat’s messaging platform before you pay. Just hit, “Request to Book” and send us an inquiry for a custom offer.  

À partir de

  • Par Personne
  • $70/personne
    1 jour1 personne min


Capitaine Arrangé Séparément
Capitaine professionnel requis, arrangé et payé séparément.
12 invités
Bateaux de pêche

Vérifier la Disponibilité




Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Équipement de pêche
  • Bar
  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Détecteur de Poissons
  • Appât
  • Type de carburant : Diesel
  • Moteur Double
  • Capote de Roof
  • Annexe
  • Traceur de Carte
  • Cockpit Central
  • Lecteur CD
  • Bimini
  • Barre à Roue
  • Tête
  • Toilette
  • Moteur hors-bord

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.

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