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Paddleboard Rental Tour in AthensPaddleboard Rental Tour in AthensPaddleboard Rental Tour in AthensPaddleboard Rental Tour in Athens

Paddleboard Rental Tour in Athens

Stand-up Paddling is the fastest growing water sport and great for all age groups.   Paddleboarding offers an amazing full body workout and is a favorite cross-training activity. Balance, core strength and endurance are among the significant fitness benefits. Like swimming, paddle boarding is an all-body workout. Paddleboarding stabilizes muscles in hip, lower leg, knee joint are activated in a therapeutic way to stabilize balance on the fluid surface. You can explore the beatiful and historical Hudson River wildlife and  habitat. You will feel like your walking on water and it offers a different kind of freedom that can restore your inner spirit. Rates: - Rentals per hour-$25 SUP's  - Half day (3hrs)-$60  SUP  - Full day (4hrs+)-$80  SUP    If you have any questions, we can answer those through GetMyBoat’s messaging platform before you pay. Just hit, “Request to Book” and send us an inquiry for a custom offer.   

À partir de

Coût de Base
  • $25/personne
    1 heure1 personne min
Capitaine non inclus
Le client fournit ou agit en tant qu'opérateur qualifié.


1 invité
Tours, Leçons et Plongée

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Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.