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Captained Fishing Trips at Alligator Point, FloridaCaptained Fishing Trips at Alligator Point, FloridaCaptained Fishing Trips at Alligator Point, FloridaCaptained Fishing Trips at Alligator Point, Florida

Captained Fishing Trips at Alligator Point, Florida

Just one hour from Tallahassee, St George Island, Apalachicola and East Point. Nearby residents and tourists alike that come to our beautiful area can now enjoy boating. Discover for yourself, and book a unique half day-trip. We are offering different trips to suit all types of anglers.   Half Day "Trout Shootout" Fishing Trip only $475 Our most popular trip. The "Turkey Point Trout Shootout" is a shallow waters fishing trip. Turkey Point is just west of the marina making for a quick short ride. It's somewhat protected waters, so its a great trip for those that don't have their sea legs yet. Trout is the target species we fish for. We fish by drifting in shallow water, casting (shootout) light tackle with artificial lures on floating poppers. You slowly retrieve your lure, the fish will strike and the fight is on. We also will have a live bait out there just waiting for something big to strike. Bluefish, Ladyfish, Spanish Mackerel and Shark are other fish that are often caught on this trip. During this trip the boat will be drifting close to shore at most times. This trip is available March-October only, no license is required. Half Day "Dog Island Drop" Grouper Fishing Trip $525 - $675 This trip requires excellent weather conditions. Gag Grouper Season Opens 9/1/24. We can fish this trip all year but must release gag grouper when not in season. There are other types of fish that will be caught and can be kept. The "Dog Island Drop" trip is a run of about 14 miles from the marina and about 9 miles offshore of Dog Island. This area has a great natural bottom in about 35 feet of water. There are also some artificial reefs in the area. Summer months we will stop on dog Island reef and catch some pinfish to use as live bait. We fish by drifting,  trolling or anchoring and dropping weighted lines to the bottom with cut squid and LYs as well as a flat line with a live bait on the surface. Our target fish is Grouper, there will be an abundance of other fish that will be caught. Rock Bass, White Grunt, Big Spanish Mackerel, King Mackerel and if lucky enough Cobia. It is literally a smorgasbord of fish species in this area.  During this trip the boat will be drifting or anchored at most times. No license is required. Complimentary bottled water and snacks. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted due to insurance restrictions.   Very reasonable pricing assures you will be back time and again. Available 7 days a week and on short notice, we are always ready to fish.  If you have any questions just click on 'Send Inquiry' to send us a message! You will receive a personalized offer for your booking request before you pay.

À partir de

Coût de Base
  • $99/hr
    4 hrs min
Capitaine inclus
Le coût de base inclut le capitaine.


3 réservation totales
4 invités
Bateaux de pêche

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3 réservation totales

Captained Sail and Fishing Boat Rentals at Alligator Point, Fl. Just one hour from Tallahassee, St George Island, Apalachicola and East Point. "Allegro" is the first catamaran sailboat to offer exciting sailing cruises.

Caractéristiques & Détails

Boston Whaler
  • Équipement de pêche
  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Type de carburant : Essence
  • Moteur Simple
  • Moteur hors-bord

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 3 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

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