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Discover Granada Islets and tropical landscapes in our 8 seats Tahoe BoatDiscover Granada Islets and tropical landscapes in our 8 seats Tahoe BoatDiscover Granada Islets and tropical landscapes in our 8 seats Tahoe BoatDiscover Granada Islets and tropical landscapes in our 8 seats Tahoe Boat

Discover Granada Islets and tropical landscapes in our 8 seats Tahoe Boat

Embark on an unforgettable sailing adventure across the stunning Lake Granada. Discover dreamlike tropical landscapes, feel the fresh brezze , and a clean air filled often with bird songs and breathtaking panoramic views of majestic like Mombacho. Navigate through crystal-clear waters, explore hidden islets, and immerse yourself in the rich local culture while savoring exquisite Nicaraguan cuisine. Whether you're relaxing on deck, swimming in serene waters, or uncovering secret corners of the lake, each moment aboard is to provide you with a unique and enriching experience. Join us for a day filled with nature, beauty, adventure, and memories that will last a lifetime!" Es espanol Embarca en una inolvidable aventura navegando por el Lago de Granada. Descubre hermosos paisajes tropicales, donde la brisa suave y el aire fresco se mezclan con el canto de los pájaros. Maravíllate con las impresionantes vistas panorámicas de volcanes e islas. Navega por las aguas tranquilas, explora isletas escondidas y sumérgete en la rica cultura local mientras saboreas los sabores de la cocina nicaragüense. Ya sea que estés descansando en cubierta, nadando en el lago o explorando sus rincones secretos, cada momento ofrece una oportunidad única para la aventura y el descubrimiento. ¡Únete a nosotros para un día lleno de belleza natural, emoción y recuerdos que durarán toda la vida!" If you have any questions just click on 'Send Inquiry' to send us a message! You will receive a personalized offer for your booking request before you pay.

À partir de

  • Par Personne
  • $67/personne
    1 jour8 personne min



Capitaine Inclus dans le Prix
Capitaine professionnel fourni et inclu dans le prix.
8 invités
Bateaux à moteur, Pontons et embarcation pneumatique rigide
Bateau ponté

Vérifier la Disponibilité




I was born with a passion for the water, and being close to it has always been my driving force. Beginning my journey as a Red Cross lifeguard, I developed a profound connection with the aquatic world. Now, I am thrilled to offer sailing trips in idyllic waters. My love for both lakes and the sea, combined with my dedication to providing memorable experiences, has led me to this fulfilling venture. Join me as we explore the stunning beauty of Lake Granada and its islets, where each journey on the water is more than just a trip – it's a personal passion brought to life Nací con una pasión por el agua, y estar cerca de ella siempre ha sido mi principal motivación. Comencé mi viaje como socorrista de la Cruz Roja, desarrollando una profunda conexión con el mundo acuático. Ahora, me emociona ofrecer viajes en velero por aguas idílicas. Mi amor por los lagos y el mar, combinado con mi dedicación a proporcionar experiencias inolvidables, me ha llevado a esta gratificante empresa.

Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Équipement de Sports Nautiques
  • Type de carburant : Essence
  • Lecteur CD
  • Barre à Roue
  • Système de Musique
  • Voilier
  • Radio

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

To ensure both your enjoyment and safety, we will provide you with weather updates two days and one day prior to your trip. As our operations are closely tied to weather conditions, please be aware that in the event of a forecasted bad weather, we may need to cancel the trip. We will inform you of such decisions ASAP. This is for your own safety, it is also mandatory to wear life jackets at all times while on board, and swimming is only allowed in areas designated by the captain. The likelihood of needing to reschedule or cancel a trip due to weather conditions is less than 10%, ensuring a high probability of a smooth and enjoyable experience.

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