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Diving Courses in TienenDiving Courses in TienenDiving Courses in TienenDiving Courses in Tienen

Diving Courses in Tienen

We offer : Large assortment of professional diving and swimming equipment Courses from Scuba Diver to Instructor Flesvullingen 200bar, 300bar en Nitrox Repair & maintenance of your diving equipment Rental diving equipment INITIATION DIVE During the three-hour class you will learn to know the full diving equipment, both in the classroom and under water in the pool. After this thorough introduction you will be able to determine if this hobby is for you. SCUBA DIVER COURSE A Scuba Diver course is a complete course with standard training system. -Each module consists of a theoretical presentation and a practical session in a swimming pool.  -This one or more times a week for a certain number of weeks, according to a time schedule we can meet together.  -After that diving 5 open water and experiments follow one of the many nice Belgian lakes.  -Afterwards there is the final evaluation involving a test, in the form of multiple choice questions, is removed.  -Finally, we hand you the scuba diver certificate, you can now dive up to 18 meters deep.  ADVANCED SCUBA DIVER COURSE In this course you are experiencing any dive specialty your interests and what type of dip your most. This course consists of six training dives. Of which 3 compulsory: -Deep to 40m -Night -Navigation RESCUE SCUBA DIVER COURSE During this course you will learn, as a diver, you have had mercy on your fellow diver. Learning to respond to a panicked diver at the surface or underwater, helping an unconscious diver. This course includes theoretical sessions, pool sessions and open water sessions. You will also receive a course. POD / DIVEMASTER / ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR / INSTRUCTOR These courses have their specific training program. Do you feel called to build a professional diving career you can contact us for any information and training. Includes 5 theory - and swimming lessons, 5 open water dives, all diving equipment, manual and certification. Price - 27 Euro / Person / 1 Dive If you have any questions, we can answer them through the GetMyBoat messaging platform before paying. Simply press "Request to reserve" and send us an inquiry for a personalized offer.

À partir de

  • Par Personne
  • $29/personne
    1 jour1 personne min


Capitaine Arrangé Séparément
Capitaine professionnel requis, arrangé et payé séparément.
1 invité
Tours, Leçons et Plongée
Leçons de plongée

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Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Équipement de Sports Nautiques

Emplacement Approximatif

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Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.